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Int 7C Fn 000D  - Sk-upps Data Link Interface API - Get Driver Statistics  [N]

   AX = 000Dh
   BX = flag: 0=don't clear statistics, 1=clear statistics
   ES:DI -> Statistics Data Block (see below)

Return: AX = completion code (see AX=0001h)

See Also: AX=0002h,AX=0015h

Format of Statistics Data Block (SDB):
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   node uptime in ticks (1/18.21 sec.)
 04h   DWORD   bytes received
 08h   DWORD   bytes transmitted
 0Ch   DWORD   frames received
 10h   DWORD   frames transmitted
 14h   DWORD   multicast bytes received
 18h   DWORD   multicast frames received
 1Ch   DWORD   unrecognized frames
 20h   WORD    missed frames
 22h   WORD    frame check sequence (FCS) errors
 24h   WORD    framing errors
 26h   WORD    babbling errors
 28h   WORD    late collision errors
 2Ah   WORD    loss of carrier errors
 2Ch   WORD    16 retries failed errors
 2Eh   WORD    overflow errors

Note:  fields 26h through 2Ch are always zero, except in some very old
     versions of the DLI.  Use GET MEDIA STATISTICS (AX=0015h) to get
     more detailed information.

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